Tax Problem Resolution

You’ve got a friend in the tax business. Let us be your go-to for your any tax resolution needs you may have. From IRS wage garnishment protection to helping you get “Innocent Spouse” protection, we have the experience you need.

Things To Consider Before Selling Your East Coast Business

You’ve put in the years, labored long days, sweat the bad times, and high-fived in the good as your business grew. Now, it looks like it’s time to step away into the next life stage, slay the next dragon. It’s time to sell. (You think.)Whether you’re headed to another...

Let’s Talk About Your Business…

See, relative to their income, the rich are frugal. They save and invest. They spend less than 65% of their take-home pay on day-to-day expenses.

Buccigrossi and Associates’s Tips for Building a Business Emergency Fund

Pretty sure I've said this before.I'll likely say it again, too.If there’s one thing the past year has taught business owners, it’s that the "unexpected" can occur at any time.Managing your East Coast business during good times is hard enough; rough times make it all...

Worker Classification Steps for East Coast Businesses in 2022

And the books turn over.As we step over the threshold into 2022, we're all staring at much lower numbers in our P/L's. It's a new slate, and the possibilities are endless.What will you do in 2022? That's the question of the hour ... and it has much less to do with...

The Pareto Principle And Your Company’s Work Cycle

Slogging through the summer, and with the weather still hot, it can be really tempting to sort of press cruise control for the month of August until Labor Day hits us, and *then* really put that nose to the grindstone. But could it be that a rhythm of working a little...

Cloud Computing Benefits and Risks for East Coast Businesses to Consider

In the olden days, East Coast business owners kept track of their records by hand in the old reliable notebook or ledger. So what an innovation it must have seemed to move business information to a floppy disk that could plug into a computer.The disks got smaller (and...

Buccigrossi and Associates’ Business Negotiation Skills FTW

Alright East Coast business owners, we’re going to move aside from tax-related things today (though there will be PLENTY to talk about as Congressional plans unfold) ... and circle back into the nitty-gritty of how business works and share with you some business...

Disaster Recovery Planning Your East Coast Small Business Probably Needs

The phone rings in the middle of the night and a voice says your office is on fire. Early on a long weekend, that old pipe in the back finally bursts and no one will see the water for days. Or suddenly the Weather Channel’s saying a hurricane is barreling in your...

How East Coast Small Businesses Should Handle A Crazy Customer

We're keeping our powder dry over here at Buccigrossi & Associates, LLC, as it relates to the "American Rescue Plan'' proposed by Biden. There's plenty of talk about it ... but as of yet, nothing has passed.I prefer to live in the world of what *is* -- instead of...

EIDL Updates For East Coast Business Owners

With all the floods, fires, hurricanes, and other events that happened in 2019, it turned out to have been a very expensive year for natural disasters.Then...2020 rolled in and said, “Wait until you see what I’ve got!”For decades, a little-known federal loan program...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

See How We Can Help